Could have been much better
The graphics suck!We want effort,please.Ok,So you have copied a nice engine used hitTest and a bit random(I think)and you've made a nice game.make more levels.
Make that every time a platform goes down a counter is+1 and when it reaches a precise point(50?)The platforms become red for example and the width descreses(different level).What you have to do if youwant different levels is:
--make a dynamic textbox and call it counter(Var name not instance)
--make a line in the bottom of the screen(unvisible)and paste this code in it:
Don't forget to put this code on nothing(in the panel)
then paste this code:
if (counter==50){ (2);}
//note:you can change 50 to 10,25...
put a stop(); on the first frame of the platform and on the second frame,put a stop too and make the platforms smaller other color...
That's all,I think.You've got the basics,though...