Very interesting game, excellent gameplay.
Excellent, very entertaining. I like the game itself but I don't like the WoW concept too much, personally I'm not a fan of remake games. The annoying thing about remakes is that it's about the same thing (meaning not more orginial, even way less), and obviously worse, less better made, and shorter, since you don't have a group of 100 programmers and artists working for you. If you're a WoW fan you and you have WoW, why not play with other people a better game?
This may sound negative, but it's an excellent game really.
Sometimes it got boring to walk around or always use the same attack, too bad it's only on a 1d axis. Only high level combats were more interesting, it's when they begin to be more possibilities on combats.
I was lvl 9 when you submitted it to NG, now my save is deleted, too bad. :P In overall it's an excellent game, only problem is the graphics. I would have prefered it if you had drawn the graphics, even if they're worse! Sometimes the enemies were too similiar too, it begins to be a bit boring to fight the same kind of wolf dozens and dozens of times. So far I only saw 3 kind of enemies.
Graphics: 3, sorry. It won't affect your overall score though. I am not saying the graphics were horrible(actually they rock :P), but you didn't make them.
Style: I wouldn't know how to rate that, really, due to graphics too. Bleh, 7/10.
Sound: Of course I could say you didn't make the sound neither, but that'd be 95% of the games. Excellent sound, 9/10.
Violence: After all, it's a game with combats and enemies, no blood, no brains, no heads cut in two. 5/10.
Interactivity: 10/10. It's a very good game after all, nice work. There could be more things to do though.
Humour: 1/10, not a really funny game.
Overall: 9/10, very entertaining game. Fun, sometimes addicting, but sometimes also boring. Nice concept, although not extremely original.
Excellent work, keep up the good stuff.
- A beta tester.